tinny wild vibrations on
the lawn in September.
cigarette smoke, ashes
sparkle on the plastic
cup. scream in the mic,
rock your shins, great
raw punk, between sets,
the last set begins? no, more
then the beat like a freight
train out of the gate,
Shake your head, rahhh
screeeesh! vrummmmmm
lights like little stars on
a string. how to describe
the thump, hardcore in the
chest, slow then go, more
songs. fuckin play the shit man
drums guitar scratch
just like we practiced, the
people want to bounce
around, and sway, and
stand still and absorb,
smoke their cig like a little
finger pet, then mosh
til they fall over and
the song ends, lets go
another one, shove your
neighbor, feel the touch,
chaos is the goal, chaos
is the message, chaos
is love, anger is joy,
pain is pleasure, sing
the shit, play the shit, do
the shit, this is what they
want. this is punk, the
message is nihilism, the
end is sick, annihilation
upon us, pollutants in
the water. shows over,
we’re all gonna die
what could go wrong? why?

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